Tuesday, July 8, 2008

艾芙芮特 .凱頓 [Heart 2007 ]

“Heart 2007”此件作品為一件由五百個空心塑膠集製的窗型裝置。在這件作品中我的關注點是找尋出逃脫日常生活思考模式的議題。

Heart 2007, window installation,2007

The work "heart"2007" –is a window installation, made from 500 plastic vacuum.My interest in that work was finding Getaway thinking from every day's issues.
In my work that is mostly based of constructive language and motives I try to create objects that concerning and include values and principles from the human body, by dialing with it not in a direct approach. But hint and mark the body in defamiliarization way.

Born in 1980, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

Solo Exhibitions:

2007-Real Astate- the New&Bad Gallery-Tel-aviv.
2007-Heart- dollinger gallery-Tel-Aviv.

Group Exhibitions:

2008: EcoOcean-green project, Fresh paint, tel-aviv.
2008: Regba, barbur, Jerusalem.
2008: Flock, Tek-aviv.
2007: RockArt, Jerusalem.
2007: Eifo beheifo art festival, Haiffa.
2007: The congress 17 Tel aviv.
2006: "MAT" Kav 16 Gallery Tel-Aviv.

Contact Info
E-mail: balalaika101@gmail.com
Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=12...

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