Monday, June 16, 2008

牛俊強 「邊境Outland」


影像輸出 / 單頻道錄影 2008




Outland」之意為邊境。它與borderfrontier不同是,「out」的位置性更明顯有中心裡外的對應。但觀者無法從影像中尋找座標位置,主體(攝影機、觀者)是無從凝視的狀態,它欲抹去畫面的焦點,但失焦也是一種聚焦,看似有機的場域,被處理描繪為CG(computer graphic)均質質感。這種拉扯的狀態,對應了我對影像創作的另一種逃離,及對某些當代風景的無聲對抗。


Digital Graphics / Video 2008

October 2007 I had a surgery on my right eye due to retinal damages. Ever since the surgery I started having symptoms such as slower pupil reactions, discomforts around the eyes, blurred and doubled visions, sensitive to lights, worsen judgements on space and distance etc. In the following six months, with these symptoms continued to be unstable, I started to avoid clarity, the more I desire to see better the more obvious it becomes where the boundary to blurriness is drawn.

This series of work was taken at night in rural places in the city such as huge wastelands, football stadium by the park, racing tracks and under-constructed building sites. By making further adjustments and changes to the images, an even more unfamiliar scenery was created, it did not objectively and truthfully represent what I have seen and instead, my body senses (physical disabilities) were transformed on to these images, as if the machine was possessed by my body. In the softened beam of light, this silent and settled land is the body that cannot be entered.

These imaginary visions of sceneries were once moving images – I was floating in the absolute darkness and right in front of me there was a ring of faint light shinning on a flat and smooth patch of green, slowly and gradually I moved towards the ring of light, closer and closer, the darkness revolved around me quietly like waves. As I was moving foreword, the patch of green beneath me went infinitely into the opposite direction with the beam of lights.

What differentiates outland from border and frontier is that the location is pointed out more obviously with the word out, corresponding a relative relationship between the exterior and the interior of a central point. But the spectators cannot locate the coordinates in these images, the subject (camera, viewers) is in a position of being unable to see, it intends to wipe off the focus point in the image, however losing can also be perceived as concentrating on a focal point, a site that appears to be organic is now processed and made to be looked like and described as having computer graphic qualities. This contradictory situation is a reflection of a silent protest against particular contemporary circumstances and another way of escaping from my photographic works.

簡歷 curriculum vitae

1983 Born in Taipei

2002-2006 B.F.A., architecture design , Shih Chien University Taiwan

2006-2008 M.F.A., Graduate School ,Taipei National University of the Arts



Chun-Chiang, Niu .My major subject was architecture design ,graduated from Shih Chien University Taiwan. I’m the student of graduate school of art and technology, T.N.U.A. I'm good at video art , experimental film and multimedia creation.

In the past, the text of my creation were about the complex emotion I breed while I dwell and grow up in this city. After 2006, I tried to redefine the relation between Media and viewers. And other, I presented with video and graphic about time condensed.


2006鹿特丹國際影展短片競賽 地點:荷蘭 鹿特丹

2006台北電影節 地點:台北 中山堂

2006南方影展「南方特賞」 地點:台南藝術大學

2006第一屆台北數位藝術節 地點:台北 中山堂

2007桃園美術獎 地點:桃園縣政府文化局

2007第二屆台北數位藝術節 地點:台北 西門町紅樓

2007 [城市寓言]城市行動藝術節 地點:台北 建國啤酒廠

2008 [小民市景]-台灣新興數位藝術展 地點:台中 國立美術館



2006 Tiger Awards Competition for Short Film, the 35th International Film Festival Rotterdam
Taipei International Film Festival
South Taiwan &Video Festival
Digital Art Festival Taipei 2006
Rubricate- the New Media art Exhibitions
the 5th Taoyuan Creation Award
the 2th Digital Art Festival Taipei 2007

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